Item specifics

  • Master
  • Agent

Product Description

During the 1990s, when he was serving in the Middle East, Capt. Crasswater, a former Navy SEAL, was imprisoned by Guerrilla Warfare (GW) after being captured. The US Navy declared him deceased after an unsuccessful ST6 rescue attempt and a subsequent military cover-up. During his years of imprisonment, he developed Stockholm Syndrome and grew to despise everything related to the USA, abandoning his original patriotism and "no man left behind" belief. He eventually joined the Trappers of the GW and, after gaining the group's trust, began launching attacks on western embassies. Due to his military expertise and discipline, he became GW's most valuable asset, and in recent years, he helped establish new GW cells in undisclosed locations across Central America. Just one more forget-me-not.

Operation Riptide Agents

Type: Agent
Rarity: Master

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